It’s A Place for Self-Reflection, The World of Words Expressing Limitless Thoughts, Imagination, and Emotions

Minggu, 30 Januari 2011


Much. Khoiri
A. Riwayat Hidup Gramsci
Antonio Gramsci lahir di Ales, sebuah kota kecil di Sardinia, daerah miskin di Italia, pada 22 Januari 1891. Latar belakang pendidikan yang cukup dikenal, bahwa Gramsci memasuki perguruan tinggi setelah memenangkan beasiswa di Universitas Turin tahun 1911. I

Sabtu, 22 Januari 2011


Much. Khoiri[1]
What do we talk about when we talk about creative writing? I intentionally address this question to lead our discussion based on the same concept. By ‘creative writing’ I mean to denote a kind of writing activity emphasizing on creation. (Creation is more highly ranked than both discovery and invention.)

Rabu, 19 Januari 2011


Much. Khoiri
It is quite necessary to present the glossary of literary terms, particularly for those who are beginning to learn the introduction to literary courses—i.e. Introduction to Literature. By understanding these terms, you will not find difficulties in getting involved in literary appreciation or criticism. It is hopefully expected that you find it useful. 

Selasa, 11 Januari 2011


Much. Khoiri
Trends in literature are almost invariably associated with events in history that occur in the same period. For this reason, a knowledge of history is an important addition to the study of developments taking place in the fields of prose, poetry, and drama.  In the following are presented the trends in English and American Literature.

Jumat, 07 Januari 2011


Much. Khoiri

Now you learn ‘literary genre’ which refers to the traditional divisions of literature of various kinds according to a particular criterion of writing. There has been a long debate on the number of literary genres; yet, referring to the widely-accepted definition of literature, literature entails three main literary genres: prose/fiction, poetry, and drama.  These genres can be elaborated as follows.

Senin, 03 Januari 2011


Much. Khoiri
After understanding the nature of literature, you might be curious about why you need to read literature? It is certainly your choice whether or not you love to read literature. And yet, at least, you need to learn what literature may provide to you. What benefits can you get across by reading literature?

MY CREATIVE FORUM: Dream to Be the Winner

MY CREATIVE FORUM: Dream to Be the Winner

WHAT IS LITERATURE?: The Nature of Literature

Much. Khoiri
In this chapter you are introduced to the nature of literature, genres in literature, trends in literature, and some key terms in literary interpretation. By reading through this chapter, you are expected to get across a clear understanding about literature and its scope so as to help you learn how to interpret, appreciate, and/or criticize literary works as that will be presented in the next chapters.